How Electric Tractor Is Beneficial For Farmer


The tractor has a special place in worldwide agriculture because since it came, it gave a new direction to the agricultural sector. Due to this, we have been able to make farming issues less to a great extent. In the worldwide tractor market, many tractor brands are available that make innovative models such as Sonalika tractor, Mahindra tractor, and many more. But now a new tractor has come up to take the farming sector to greater heights and that is an electric tractor.

In this, we provide you full information about electric tractors so keep with this blog.

What is Electric Tractor?

The electric tractor also called autonomous tractor and the driverless tractor is the latest technology or latest innovation in the agriculture sector to make agriculture more profitable and easy. It is a driverless tractor that provides high efficiency in the working field. As we know traditional tractors come with diesel or gasoline and have a transmission with hydraulic fluids, but electric tractors are different in quality and features. These tractors made with batteries that can charge quickly, plugging them into a socket. The electric tractor is the biggest invention of today’s time, which can take farming to new heights.

Diesel tractors such as Sonalika tractor need a complete engine replacement after 6000 hours of operation which is very expensive for farmers. But electric has not that type of any problem because it can go 5-10 years. Electric tractors have much quality than tractors. The biggest advantage of an electric tractor is that it does not produce CO2 emission or air pollution directly. It comes with many features such as safety, fuel efficiency, high performance, durability, and many more. The concept of electric tractors is to revolutionize the agricultural industry.

Electric Tractor Journey :

Electric is the latest product that comes in the tractor market. With advanced technology, it becomes the most popular tractor worldwide. For work ease, most farmers go with these tractors. The electric tractor came in the existence in the year 2012. The tractor name was “SPIRIT” which makes farming more easy and productive for farmers.

Benefits of Electric tractor :

The electric tractor has a lot of advantages but the main advantage of it is work ease. It makes farming work or operation easy and effortless for all farmers. With this tractor, farmers enjoy farming work which is the best step for enhancing production. Here we are showing some benefits of the electric tractor. Have a look.

Environment Friendly :

As we see, today’s environment is very polluted and diesel tractors also support pollution. But electric tractor is not like this. They have batteries that prevent the environment from being polluted. As compare to traditional tractor electric tractor is more eco friendly. With a solar system, farmers can get electricity for electric tractors. Some other eco-friendly qualities of the electric tractor are it not made noise and smoke.

Cost-Effective :

The second biggest advantage of the electric tractor is that it is a cost-effective tractor. It reduced fossil fuel, and also the prices of these tractors are the same as diesel tractors. As we know high cost is the major problem for farmers but this tractor is also solving these types of issues. It reduces the extra expenses, fuel expenses, repair expenses which make it the most liked tractor worldwide.

High Efficient :

The electric tractor is the most efficient as it provides great accuracy during the operation. The traditional tractor provides only 35% efficiency when converts thermal energy into mechanical energy. But if we looking electric tractor, it comes with 80% efficiency during the charging or discharging. High efficiency is another great achievement of driverless tractors.

Maintenance :

As compared to a traditional tractor the electric tractor requires less maintenance. The electric tractor powered with fewer moving parts which means it has fewer defective parts. So, it requires less maintenance and repairs which saves a lot of money and time for farmers.

Electric tractor in India :

  • In India, an Auto NXT electric tractor has been built for small and marginal farmers. Mumbai-based engineer Kaustubh Dhonde launched the world’s first auto driverless tractor, whose name is “Hulk”.
  • Mahindra & Mahindra has launched an electric tractor for big farmers.

These are all about the electric tractors. For more details, stay tuned with us.

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