7 Beginner Yoga Poses for Better Balance

7 Beginner Yoga Poses

Yoga is widely practiced workout that involves people from any age. Whether you want to start a healthy life or your aim is just losing weight yoga has been discovered to provide good exercise for your body. However, being a new yoga workout person is very hard especially when it comes to balancing the body. When you learn yoga you can even do it at home. Fantastic isn’t it? You balance will be faltered when you begin but as you proceed with the exercise it will improve. Balancing your body with yoga is one of the best fitness tips.

Let us introduce some poses which can help you gain your balance as a newbie when doing yoga. As you work to gain balance remember that time is very important and hurrying the process will not help.

1. Tadasana pose:

This pose is also known as the mountain pose. The pose involves standing with your feet together placing pressure on your feet. This is followed by making sure your quadriceps muscles are used and that your knee caps are lifted all the way up to the inner thighs.  It also involves engaging the abdominal part of the body in the exercise. It will seem useless at first because it will feel like you are just standing up but there are many advantages accrued to it. The mountain pose will work on your spine improving your posture and balance.

2. Vrksasana pose:

Also known to some as the tree pose, vrksasana involves putting all of your weight on one foot. The supporting knee is engaged by lifting it upwards to make use of the muscles. This is done by bending one of your knees and placing the foot on the knee of standing foot to form a P like shape of your legs. Make sure your spine your spine and shoulders are kept straight. You can also change your position and close your eyes.

3. The dog pose:

This dog pose involves facing downwards like a dog to enable your whole body to stretch. The name is like that because it literally means you have to do the pose like you are a dog stretching your front legs. With such a picture in your mind, you will understand that you should touch the ground with your hands and feet at the same time. Your hands should stretch a bit just like how a dog does it. During the exercise make sure your knees are bent and you can try to straighten them if you want but make sure your hips are straight. You can also stretch your hands longer with time.

7 Beginner Yoga Poses

4. The plank look pose:

The pose actually involves you to look like a straight plank. To do the plank pose, go down on your fours in the style which is similar to that of press-ups. However you will not do press-ups this case. The main aim here is to stay up and balance your whole body on your hands. The pose works to make your abdominals stronger and helping you to work on your breathing. When doing the plank pose make sure your body is straight from your toes to your head just like how straight a plank is.

5. Touch your toe pose:

If you have ever seen ballet dancers then this pose should be familiar to you. The ‘touch your toe’ pose helps you to monitor your weight. It involves standing on one foot, straightening your back and then lifting the other leg to be parallel to the floor. You will then straighten your hands with one hand touching the toe of the lifted leg. To get balance will take time but then time if of the essence in yoga. Keep exchanging your feet and you will know the benefit after some time.

6. The warrior poses:

There are two warrior poses in yoga. The first pose includes lifting your hands and keeping them together like you are praying; keep one leg in front bended at a 90 degree angle. The other leg should remain straight stretching backwards to stretch your muscles. The main aim of this warrior pose is to help your lower body get better strength.

The second type of warrior pose is also known as Virabhadrasana in the Indian language. Just like touch your toe pose, this pose involves standing on one leg but this time our other leg will stretch straight backwards while your body bends towards the front with your hands stretched straight in front of your head. This pose leaves you looking like capital T.

7. Forward bent in seated mode pose:

Many of you probably had PE lessons in their childhood and one of the exercises involved sitting down with your legs straight and completely parallel to the ground and then your upper body would come down and bend to become parallel to the legs. The main aim of this pose is to open up your body by stretching your hamstrings as well as your back and it will also help you breath better even in the uncomfortable position.

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