10 Easy Steps to Setup Your Home WiFi Connection

Steps to Setup Wi-Fi Connection

While it may seem like a lot of work and a technically sound hand and mind, setting up a wireless connection is not that difficult. Hardware companies are trying their best to create devices that are less complicated in terms of their installation. The available routers these days come fully equipped and sometimes even color coded so that a layman is also able to configure a WiFi connection as easily as an IT professional. Moreover, with YouTube filled to the brim with tutorials and DIYs, life was never this easy.

Learning to actually master your home WiFi connection completely so that it’s more secure, performs better in terms of speed and connectivity and smooth file sharing within a controlled environment requires proper knowledge. However, let’s not get scared because doing all of it is not an impossible task or a terrifyingly technical one at that. We’re giving you a step by step guide to give you the maximum advantage before you delve into the unknown territory of connecting modems to routers to computers to finally achieving a connected setup.

1. Get a router and place it at an optimum space:

Selecting a good router is essential to having a reliable WiFi connection. Router is the device that communicates between your ISPs service and all the wireless enabled devices. Find one that suits your needs; this isn’t too hard because your ISP may provide you with one. However, one thing to remember is that some services and features may not be available so getting one from the market with options to upgrade is a better choice. In addition, it maybe cost friendly at the end of the day since the settings will not require extra payments that your ISP can ask for.

Put the router at a place, which allows easier access for all available devices. Such a place will have fewer opportunities for wireless interference. Place it a little high but away from magnetic fields and electrical devices such as microwave ovens.

2. Check your modem and unplug it:

Since you’re trying to setup a home wireless connection, you already have an up and running internet connection and it’s there because of your ISP provided modem; it can be a cable or a DSL modem. Next step is to turn it off, unplug it from your computer or laptop and get ready to create the much-needed connection between your modem, router and your PC. If you don’t have a dependable internet connection yet, be sure to check out some of the best local options available to you, like Buytvinternetphone plans. Once you have a good internet connection, everything else becomes seamless.

3. Connect the router to modem:

Once the modem has no power and isn’t plugged into any device, use an Ethernet cable and connect your router to the modem, (routers usually come with their Ethernet cables and so do the modems). Power them up and wait for a steady signal to appear before you connect your computer or laptop. Also remember that most devices come with the option of wireless connectivity so this connection is for the time being. It serves the purpose of configuring your router so that all your connectable devices can find the WiFi connection.

4. Connect the router to your system; computer or laptop:

With the router and modem up and running, use another Ethernet cable to connect your router to your PC. Plug the LAN port of your router to the computer or laptop’s Ethernet port. Turn on your system and get ready to really configure it all.

5. Remember the fashion in which you need to connect and power everything:

The router is powered first, wait for the lights to signal stability, then power up the modem and then after a waiting period of 2 to 3 minutes, turn up your system. This may seem like an unnecessary emphasis but believe us, it isn’t! Give time to devices to form a stable network inside so that when they are powered up, you can configure them properly.

6. Access the management console/web page of your router:

You should be online by now incase each step was followed properly. Open the browser on your system, if you have an upgraded device, it should take you straight on to the management page. However, you can access it on your own by following the IP address that is provided either in instructions or on the box of your device. It may be on the lines of This is how it usually is but then again, you can always refer to the manual or instructions page.

7. Change the password:

Once you have the access, change the admin password after putting in the company given username is and password. You may find it in the settings tab under LAN configuration.  Choose something that is complicated yet easily remember able.  You can also change the network name, which will appear as SSID, again to help you remember your connection because there may be many options that may appear when you turn on your WiFi. It’s like adding a personal touch.

8. Add some security to your device and connection:

There are different options of encryption for your device. WPA2 is the most optimum. Look for it in the security section on the configuration page. It is more secure than WEP but if you have older adapters in your devices than use a combination security mode to allow access and to stay visible.

9. Change the WiFi channel to avoid traffic hazards:

If you live in an area where there is the possibility of people owning different networks for internet, staying on the same wireless channel can seriously affect your connectivity and speed due to continuous interference. Use one that is less frequent. There are smartphone apps that can help analyze or you can use the old hit and trial method.

10. You’re good to go:

Once the setup is finished, unplug your computer/laptop from the router; turn on the WiFi on all your devices, search for your network. Enter password, connect and you are done. Your computer and laptops come fitted with already installed adaptors but if they aren’t, run the setup CD that comes with the adaptor and install it. You system may automatically install the drivers if you plug in the wireless adapter through USB.

Follow this guide and you can find yourself completely connected in a matter of minutes. And yes. It is as easy as that. Happy surfing and connectivity to all of you in this holiday season!

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