Precautions to Be Taken After a Liver Transplant Surgery

liver transplant surgery

Liver transplant in India has gone on to become a unique discovery. This is a lifeline for all patients who are suffering from end stage liver cancer.

Hygienic surroundings:

The first stage of the phase of recovery starts from your own premises. The moment a patient returns back to the home after a surgery, the family members need to be aware that the home needs to have good ventilation. In the first couple of months the patients are required to wear a mask after surgery. It would be while heading to crowded places. The moment you meet strangers hand washing needs to be followed. The patient needs to take a shower every day and there needs to be a separate towel for them.

Nutrition and diet:

The moment a surgery is over the chances is that the patient is going to have an appetite that is voracious. In fact you can consider it to a good sign. As part of the diet of the protein it needs to be rich in protein. The water you need to drink needs to be safe and if you have filtered water it needs to be filtered. Salads or raw food needs to be avoided. Keep away from fruits or sweets which have the capacity of increasing your blood sugar. If you are having post-transplant medicines the blood sugar levels will shoot up and you are going to need insulin. Any form of smoking or alcohol is a strict no during this phase.

Regular check up:

As part of the liver transplant procedure in India regular check-ups are necessary. Any post-surgical procedure needs to be followed so that the best results can be assured as well. The need of the hours would be that the patient attends the follow up procedures once the surgery is over. Once the surgery is over the chances of high blood pressure, diabetes or weight gain are common


On your course to recovery, the medications work out to be really important. In fact you should never turn a blind eye to the medicines which are prescribed by your doctor. The onus would be on the family members as well to familiarize with the type of medicines and at the same time they need to ensure that the patients comply with the medical procedures.


There is no substitute rather than exercise. But a point to consider here is that you should not lift heavy weights and activities like swimming and walking are a strict no during this phase.

It would always be better to get the surgery done in India. The simple reason being some of the top notch hospitals are found in this part of the world. This is also having an eye on the quality of the surgeons. Most of them have had their education in the top institutes of the world and then at a later stage have come to India in practicing the same. The quality of the doctors are of the topmost order as well.


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