How to Check Your Body Temperature

how to take your temperature

Do you feel like you have a fever but don’t know how to check your body temperature? Checking your body temperature is an essential first step in determining whether or not you have a fever and, if so, how high the temperature is. In this blog post, we’ll explain how to check your body temperature accurately and effectively, so you can determine whether or not you have a fever.

Why is it important to take your body temperature?

It is important to take your body temperature for a variety of reasons. Taking your temperature can help detect any potential illnesses and alert you when something is wrong. Monitoring your temperature regularly can help you prevent the onset of more severe illnesses and help you seek treatment if needed.

Fever, an elevated body temperature, can indicate the presence of various conditions, including infections, inflammation, allergies, or even cancer. Knowing your normal body temperature range can allow you to recognize when it’s abnormal and take appropriate action.

Temperature readings can also be used to measure how well medications are working. If you take antibiotics to treat an infection, a fever can indicate that the medication isn’t working properly or that the infection has become more serious.

Additionally, monitoring your temperature can help detect irregularities in your body’s natural thermoregulation process. Abnormal temperatures can point to medical conditions like thyroid disease or hypothermia. If you experience persistent anomalous readings, it is crucial to speak with your doctor.

Taking your body temperature regularly can provide invaluable insight into your overall health. It is easy to track changes in your body’s natural processes and be alerted to potential problems. Keeping an eye on your temperature can make it easier to address any issues before they become more serious.

How to check your temperature with your phone:

Keeping track of your body temperature is essential to maintaining good health, and the best way to do so is with a thermometer. But what if you don’t have one on hand? In that case, you can use your smartphone as an alternative. Here’s how to check your temperature with a phone.

The first step is to download a thermometer app. These apps measure your body temperature by tracking changes in air temperature or ambient light, depending on the type of app you get. These apps are free and can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.

Once the app is installed, you need to ensure it’s calibrated correctly. This usually involves calibrating the app with a thermometer and adjusting the settings until you get a reading that’s in line with other readings taken with a thermometer.

Once the app is calibrated, it’s time to take your temperature. Point the phone camera at your forehead or earlobe to do this and press the ‘take the temperature button. The app will then display your temperature reading in either Celsius or Fahrenheit.

For the most accurate results, take the temperature in a well-lit area and keep your phone at least 10cm away from your face. Additionally, try to keep your hands away from the camera lens and ensure no objects obstruct the view of your forehead or earlobe.

It’s important to note that thermometer apps may not be as accurate as traditional thermometers, so if you have a fever or are experiencing any other symptoms of illness, it’s best to seek medical advice.

Overall, using your phone as a thermometer can be a convenient and cost-effective way to keep track of your body temperature. You only need an app, a few minutes of calibration time, and a well-lit space to take the temperature in. Remember, though, that these apps may not be as accurate as traditional thermometers, so if you think you have a fever or are experiencing any other symptoms of illness, it’s best to seek medical advice.

Phone Apps for Measuring Temperature:

If you’re concerned about a fever but don’t have a thermometer handy, several phone apps can help you measure your temperature. Phone apps can measure your temperature via infrared thermal imaging. This type of imaging detects your body temperature and is accurate enough to detect a fever.

There are a variety of different phone apps available for measuring body temperature. Here are seven of the best options:

  • Fever Tracker allows users to measure and track their temperature throughout the day. It also allows users to log in other symptoms like headaches or coughing and provides a list of suggested remedies.
  • TempPal helps you record and track your temperature and other health data, as well as get insights on reducing fever symptoms. It also includes an automated fever alert system for family members and caregivers.
  • InstantTemp helps to track temperature in real time. It also comes with a fever alert system, so you can be notified if your temperature reaches dangerous levels.
  • Thermal Camera Pro uses the phone’s built-in camera to scan for temperature readings. It uses thermal imaging technology to detect changes in body temperature.
  • Thermoflash measures your body temperature using the phone’s flashlight to detect heat radiation from your skin surface. It also stores temperature history so you can track trends over time
  • Fever Tracker Pro allows you to track the temperature and document any accompanying symptoms. It also sends notifications if your temperature exceeds a specific limit.
  • iThermonitor is designed to monitor fever in real-time and can connect up to 10 thermometers simultaneously. It allows users to share readings remotely with their doctors and family members.

These 7 phone apps are useful tools for tracking and monitoring your body temperature. They are easy to use and provide accurate readings, making them great alternatives to traditional thermometers. With any of these apps, you can monitor your body temperature, track trends, and stay informed on your health and wellness.

How to check fever without a thermometer:

Most people rely on a thermometer to check their body temperature and determine if they have a fever. However, you can also check your fever without a thermometer by paying attention to other signs of illness and looking for common symptoms associated with fevers.

Here are 7 ways how to check your temperature without a thermometer:

  • Monitor Your Body Temperature Changes: Keeping track of your body temperature throughout the day is one of the best ways to detect a fever. The average adult temperature is 98.6°F (37°C), so if you notice any variation in your temperature – either higher or lower – it could indicate that you have a fever.
  • Check Your Pulse: Your pulse rate is another indicator of your body’s temperature level. An elevated pulse rate – especially if a feeling of heat or warmth accompanies it – can signify a fever.
  • Track Your Sweat Levels: Sweating is the body’s natural way of cooling itself down, so if you notice that you’re sweating more than usual, it could be a sign that your body is trying to combat a fever.
  • Pay Attention to Your Skin: If you have a fever, your skin may become warm and clammy to the touch. Sometimes, the skin may appear flushed or redder than usual.
  • Monitor Your Breathing: Feverish people often experience rapid, shallow breathing due to increased metabolic rate. Pay attention to your breathing pattern and see if it changes as the day progresses.
  • Look for Shivering and Chills: As your body temperature rises, you may experience chills or uncontrollable shaking (known as shivering). If you start to shiver, then it’s likely that you have a fever.
  • Take Note of Any Discomfort: Lastly, it’s essential to pay attention to any discomfort or aches that you may experience throughout your body. Fevers can cause a person to feel weak and generally unwell, so if you’re not feeling right, it could indicate a fever.

While these methods can help determine whether you have a fever, they should never replace the accuracy of a thermometer. If you’re concerned about your health, then make sure to seek medical advice and get tested for any underlying medical conditions.


There are a few different methods you can use when it comes to taking your temperature. You can use a thermometer or your phone or even do it without one. No matter which method you choose, it is essential to stay informed and practice good hygiene to prevent the spread of illness.

A thermometer is the most accurate way to measure your body temperature, so if you have one, it’s best to use it. However, you can also use your phone as a thermometer. Several apps available will measure your temperature with just your phone. Just be aware that accuracy may be affected by ambient temperatures and other factors, so make sure to double-check your results with a physical thermometer.

If you don’t have a thermometer or phone, you can still check for fever without one. Place the back of your hand on your forehead; if it feels warmer than usual, you may have a fever. Additionally, having chills and sweating can be indicators of fever as well.

Overall, it’s essential to be aware of how to check your body temperature. Using a thermometer, phone app, or the back of your hand, you can quickly determine if you have a fever. Being informed is key to preventing the spread of illness and staying healthy.

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