6 Best Reflexology Exercises for Back Pain

Best Reflexology Exercises

Any pain or tenderness you can feel in the spinal area is back pain. Your spinal cord is the most sensitive and an essential joint of your body. And it stretches down from the medulla oblongata. The individual bones in the spinal cord are known as vertebrae. If they are positioned in theimpropermanner, it can cause discomfort. We can feel pain in the back because of injuries, stress pressure and muscle tension to name a few. You can either get the best foot massager for Plantar Fasciitis,or you can treat yourself to Reflexology:

1. Foot Reflexology:

The spinal reflex starts from the toe to all the way down to the side of the foot. Starting at the base, you have to go all the way up. Do thumb walking, taking in little bites all the way up to the medial aspect and then go into the cervical spine reflex. If you have a mid-back pain, then you can give more attention to the mid-area of the foot.

Foot Reflexology

2. Sleeping Tennis Ball Exercise for Back Pain:

You require a sock carrying about two tennis balls. Now lie flat on the ground and place this tennis ball sock under the neck. Now you have to bend the legs by flattening the feet on the ground. Slowly raise the hips and balance on the tennis ball sock and your feet. Gently walk on the tennis ball. The tennis balls will put pressure on the bladder points that will relieve stress and the pain.

2. Sleeping Tennis Ball Exercise for Back Pain

3. Standing Tennis Ball Exercise for Back Pain:

Stand against a wall with your feet wide apart, more than the shoulder width. Bend the knees as if you are sitting in an imaginary chair. Lean forward and place a tennis ball sock behind your shoulders and exactly to the middle. Now gently straighten the knees by rolling this sock on the back.

Sleeping Tennis Ball Exercise for Back Pain

4. Sleeping Acupressure Foot Points for Back Pain:

Sit in a straight position and hold the feet. Then take the right foot in your hands. Find the bone joining the big toe to the second toe. Place the thumb in that area. Apply pressure on that area with the thumb. Press for around a minute and then inhale and exhale. Decrease pressure and then rub the area.

Sleeping Acupressure Foot Points for Back Pain

5. Sitting Acupressure Foot Points for Back Pain:

Start the process by washing and drying the feet. Sit down on a bed or a chair. Cross the legs and hold the right foot in your left hand. Roll the hand back and forth on the right foot and relax the muscles. You may use both the thumbs to apply enough pressure.

Acupressure Foot Points for Back Pain

6. Sleeping Acupressure Hand Points for Back Pain:

Lay down with the feet and hands left free. Hold the right hand with the left hand. The pain relief point happens to be the joint between the thumb and the index. Hold that joint with your left thumb. Now press it gently with the left hand. That should do the trick.

Sleeping Acupressure Hand Points for Back Pain


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