How to hire furniture for your next big event?

How to hire furniture for your next big event

Your next big event is just round the corner and you want every step taken to make it a super success. You know furniture are going to be the key as they lend atmosphere to events and ensure proper seating arrangement. But you’re not sure how to get the best of furniture for your event? Well, you should not worry at all as there are rental companies out there to get the help and add color and charms of your upcoming event.

1. Sit down and think about the event youre planning: 

It’s important to have a clarity over the event you’re planning. You can sit down over a cup of tea of coffee and decide the furniture type based on the event. Whether it’s private party or professional get-together, you have to be sure in advance so that right type and kind of furniture are ordered.

2. Plan your budget for the furniture:

Then next, you have to know the budget set aside for the furniture as only this can help you take the right call. If you have a generous budget, there will be freedom to hire some really impressive furniture and let them add lustre to the event. And if the budget is tight, you will then plan for only a fewer set of furniture.

3. Decide the type of furniture to be hired: 

You know furniture are available in different types and they serve unique purposes. Unless you’re sure about the purpose, you can’t get the act together. By the way, you can have the following range to choose from –

  • Seating – This range includes chairs, sofa seating, stools and benches
  • Tables – This range includes poseur tables, coffee tables, dining tables and side tables.
  • Bars – You could hire bars made of glass, wooden, metal, copper, silver and marble.
  • Plinths – You could have choices of materials like marble, stone etc.
  • Accessories – This range could include L-shaped rails, LED canapé trays, jelly lamps, male & female torso mannequin, table lamp etc.

4. Get a match between furniture and event theme: 

It’s possible to hire furniture that are a right match to the theme of the event. For that, you have to decide in advance the theme and vibe for the event and then proceed ahead with the task of hiring furniture. You can consult an expert for the same so that the right energy levels are created at the event.

5. Get your seating arrangement and venue layout right:

The furniture hired for the event have to be in sync with the venue layout. You also need to consider the type of seating arrangement you want to deliver to the guests. You just can’t go ahead and get any number of chair without considering the space you have and the number of guests called for the event.

Make sure you get these things right –

  • The venue has ample spaces to accommodate furniture of creative and inventive variety
  • The furniture are able to economize space so that guests find easy of navigation at the venue
  • If the furniture are hired on hourly basis, you then have to plan the event timing accordingly
  • You can go for the variety and ensure that all types of furniture are there to add dazzle to the event

6. Call up the rental company and if possible visit it:

With all things planned, you should then call up the rental company for final round of discussions. You have to bargain over prices so get a good deal. More importantly, the focus should on getting high-quality and dazzling collection of furniture for your event.

It’d be great if you personally visited the company to check on its stocks. This way, you would have good idea about the quality, shape and general conditions of the furniture to be hired. This will minimize chances of getting a bad deal.

7. Seal the deal: 

Once you’re sure about the furniture and their quality, you can place the order and have hire furniture for your event. This is how events are made special even without spending that much, or beyond the obvious. With a right rental company on board, you can be sure of getting quality furniture delivered in quick time.


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