How to prepare your garden for spring?


Spring is finally upon us, and you know what that means. It’s time to start preparing for the new gardening season. No matter how well the winter went for your garden, you get a fresh start this spring. Without your help, though, your garden isn’t going to do much. You’ll need to shower it with care an affection like you do every year if you want the best results. It may sound hard, but it’s actually a fairly easy task if you have the right idea.

1. Protect your garden

Protect Garden

Pest infections are a real and increased risk in the spring. With nature waking up, you’re bound to see bugs around the garden. A few visitors will soon turn into an army and your whole garden will easily succumb to these pests. By regularly checking your plants, you can easily prevent any damage. In cases where the infection has already happened, you’re going to want to do something about it yourself.

Make wildlife habitats with a few logs and leaves to easily attract natural bug predators like hedgehogs. To make things more interesting, you can add toad houses as frogs are actually great at controlling bug population. Finally, you can rely on birds by introducing birdhouses or birdbaths to your garden. By inviting nature in, you’re also making new friends and making an effort to truly be one with nature.

2. Start composting

Start composting

The best time of year to start fertilizing your garden is when it starts growing anew. In other words, it’s now, in spring. To prepare for the season, you can opt to make your own organic fertilizer. In the long run, it’s much healthier for your plants as you know exactly what you’re feeding them with.  is an easy solution to creating organic waste. All you have to do is set up a bin and use the garden waste that you accumulate for this purpose.

Your garden is bound to be greener and your produce more delicious as you’ll be using its own power to fuel it further. Not everyone is into building composting bins though, so those people might opt to buy a composting bin instead. Whatever you decide, make sure to choose the right spot for your compost. Perhaps it’s most convenient to place it behind the house, next to the trash cans. This way, you’ll be able to easily dispose of garden waste while you take care of other business. You’ll also avoid the distinct smell and look of a composting bin while gardening.

3. Prepare your shed

Prepare to shed

As the new gardening season is upon you, you’re going to want to do a little spring cleaning. Your shed is probably a mess by now, as it’s spent the whole winter collecting dust. You should go through all of your stuff and see what you need and what’s too old or too useless to keep. Aside from the inventory check, make sure to clean the shed itself. Dusting and vacuuming as essential parts of spring cleaning. It’s not really good for your health to spend all that time in a dirty shed.

Finally, remember to wash all of your equipment. If you haven’t given your tools a rinse by the end of the season, it’s imperative you do it now. Leaving your tools to the will of time will only make them rust faster and render them useless. Show them the same care as you do to your plants, as nothing would be possible without them.

4. The ground should be ready


Naturally, the thing you should most pay attention to is the ground your plants sprout from. If the environment is not suitable, you won’t have any produce. Get a pair of quality gloves and rubber boots from companies like Hoselink, and get to work. After all, proper protection is essential for this task. You don’t want to get hurt or dirty.

The soil will probably be excessively damp in the early spring because of the winter months that preceded. This is alright, all you have to do is hoe the land a little and let it dry in the wind. This kind of soil is especially desirable if you’re planning on planting fruit. Of course, it’s always a good idea to check the preferences of specific plants you want to plant and tailor the soil to their needs.

5. Get to pruning


Pruning is a great way to shape your plants and get rid of the overgrown parts. The beginning of spring is the ideal time to do so as your trees are still going to be bare from winter. It’s much easier to shape them the way you want when they’re not covered in leaves. Your bushes should undergo the same treatment.

You’ll need a pair of sharp pruning shears to do the job safely and quickly. Pruning is also essential for the health of your plants and will help them grow strong in the months to come. Truthfully, you can leave pruning for later, too, but perhaps your plants will benefit from it the most in the time of year.


These gardening tips are meant to ensure that your garden is well and ready for the upcoming season. Still, the most important element of the story is you. Without your hard work and dedication, it will all be for nothing. Don’t forget that your garden is basically your little baby which depends on you to nurture it and bring it to its full glory. We’re confident this spring will be the best one for you yet.

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