All You Need To Know About Air Transport in India

About Air Transport in India

Air transport is the fastest mode of transport today. It has been a major cause for shrinking of the world by reducing distances between places. This mode of transport is vital especially when speed and time are the main limitations. Air transport provides connectivity to remote and isolated areas, which are otherwise hard to be reached by other modes of transport.

Air transport plays a major role in situations of emergency and natural & manmade disasters like floods, famines and war. Air transport is crucial for a huge country like India where distances are so great and the terrain and climatic conditions not always favourable.

Over the past few years, tourism has experienced a substantial growth as compared to any other industry. Presently, it is one of the largest sources of revenue in the world owing to globalization. These factors have made the tourism sector the main source of socio-economic progress. The revenue earned off tourism exceeds that of oil exports, food products and vehicles. It is quite important for developed countries but is one of the chief sources of income for developing countries like India.

At present, all the major cities inside and outside India are well-connected, and people are opting to travel via flights, both domestic and international, to their destinations. With the growing number of airlines in India commuting has become much easier, more economical and quicker as compared to olden days, when airplanes were a luxury, or even earlier, when they were just a fantasy! Previously, people used to use flights for transport either for work or educational purposes. But today, a major share of the Indian population uses flights for travelling on holidays too!

Online travel agencies are also increasing fast as they offer great prices and discounts on flight bookings. Domestic airlines have become reasonably priced and can be afforded by even the middle-class people, who make up most of India. This is due to high competition among several airlines and online travel agencies providing online booking facility. People can choose convenient routes and cheaper tickets with the help of online booking agencies.

Recently, multiple airlines have come up in India, and they offer ticket fares ranging from very cheap to highly expensive. It is very hard to surf through these numerous websites and find one which exactly fits your requirement regarding cost, timings and destinations. This is where online travel agencies come into picture; they help you find the best deals, especially if you are booking much in advance or if you are booking for a huge group of people. They use computerized tools programmed to compare flight prices on different websites and provide you the best deals.

A domestic flight is a form of flight where departure and arrival occur in the same country, as opposed to international flights. There are numerous domestic flights in India connecting various states. The Delhi to Goa Flights Schedule, for instance, is available on all major online booking websites, and you can choose the airlines you want to travel with.


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