Teeth cleaning and removal of cavities

Teeth cleaning and removal of cavities

How to get rid of cavities:

Dental cavities are tiny holes in the hard surface of the teeth. Excess sugar creates acid on the surface of the tooth which attracts bacteria that attack the tooth enamel. The Bacterial plaque accumulates on the teeth. The plaque’s stickiness keeps the acids against the teeth making it easier to break down the tooth enamel. Once the enamel breaks, the cavities start forming on the tooth.

Other risk factors for cavities include:

Dry mouth or less saliva in the mouth

Eating sticky foods that stay in the tooth for long

Eating more sugary foods or drinks

Eating right before the bed

Treatment for cavity:

Vitamin D:

Earlier studies have shown that lack of Vitamin D in the diet increases the risks of cavities in a person. Vitamin D and Calcium work together to strengthen our teeth and bones. Both have an equal role to play in order to keep your teeth healthy. In fact, taking calcium to strengthen the teeth and the bones is of no use if the Vitamin D levels in the body are insufficient.

Visiting the dentist:

Once the cavities have grown, the treatment for them is not possible without visiting a dentist. Hence, it is better to pay a visit to the dental hospital and get the teeth cleaning done if necessary. The teeth cleaning cost in India is decent and affordable and if circumstances say so, it must be done.

Sometimes the bacteria hardens into the form of a tartar which cannot be removed without the help of the toothbrush. That is when it becomes necessary to opt for teeth cleaning at the dental hospital. There are proper check ups before the treatment and all the cost is added up to the total teeth cleaning cost.

Oil Pulling:

It is one of the most effective and ancient practice for treating the cavities that involve swishing around sesame or coconut oil for 10 minutes and then spitting out. Oil pulling removes the toxins from the body. It is believed that oil pulling reduces plaque and gingivitis.


Clinical tests have proven that chewing sugar- free gum after the meals helps remineralize the enamel. Xylitol is the most effective gum for such instance. It has an extensive ability to stimulate the saliva which helps stop the bacteria from attacking the tooth.


Flossing between the teeth once a day is a must. It helps in cleaning those portions of our mouth where the brush can’t reach. By removing the plaque from such area, it reduces the risk for decay or any kind of gum disease keeping teeth clean and healthy.

Eating crunchy vegetable and fruits:

Ready to eat foods are convenient but not a good choice for our teeth. The fresh and crunchy vegetables are rich in fiber and also require efforts while chewing. This makes the jaw work properly and also help in producing more saliva to protect the bacteria from attacking.


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